Becky Wright, founder of New Leaf Workplace Wellbeing, conceived the idea to create a socially conscious business for Training, Counselling, Coaching and Life Design. She has been a life long advocate of Mental Health reform and delivers the Mental Health First Aid Training as a MHFA Associate trainer.
This website was developed by Somerset Web Services and designed by Barnaby Adams, founder of Cuckooo Design Studio. It contains the following information and features:
Professionally designed with business core values and principles in mind giving a warm and welcoming feeling
Offers workplace wellbeing services including Employee Counselling, Pop-Up Wellbeing, Mental Health First Aid Training and Life Design Coaching
News feature to show New Leaf's many news articles and posts about recruitment, awards and workshops
Podcasts are available for users to listen to that cover a wide range of challenges associated with life design
Plenty of information available about HR support for individuals, such as money problems, bullying, anxiety and work place anger
Other features include team members section, social media information and case studies
This custom built website has been optimised for speed and size
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