Nigel Finch, the Managing Director of Somerset Web Services was invited to speak about the Creech St Michael website at the Creech annual Parish meeting on 20th April 2012.
In April 2007, Somerset Web Services designed, developed and launched the Creech St Michael website at no charge to the Creech Parish Council. Somerset Web Services maintain and regularly update the website, again at no charge, as part of our Corporate Social Responsibility policy.
Over the years the website has been extended with many new features. Nigel described some of the recent enhancements, including:
Ask A Question
Many questions are regularly asked about Creech from people all over the world. The very popular AAQ section allows anyone in the community to give answers. A recent question concerned a lady from Mexico who found a wallet in EuroDisney belonging to Creech resident. She enquired whether the wallet made its way back to its rightful owner. Yes it did!
Hall of Fame
We felt it was important that individuals who had made outstanding contributions to the community of Creech should be recognised in a Hall of Fame. Typically there are many unsung heros in life. The Hall of Fame provides such individuals with a permanent recognition and thanks for all their efforts.
Gallery of Creech photos
The website has a gallery of over 200 photos with some going back to the 1920’s. It provides a useful reference point for the history of Creech St Michael.
Real time news feed from County Gazette
Interesting articles published in the local newpaper website relating to Creech and Taunton are dynamically displayed on the home page.
The website is very popular and receives over 1,000 visitors per month and over 3,000 hits per month. 90% of visitors are from the UK. The next most popular countries to visit are USA, Australia and Canada. Strangely, the site appears to be popular for five visitors from South Korea who frequently read pages. Perhaps past Creech residents now living in South Korea?
Twitter integration
To provide a real time feed of page updates we developed an automated post mechanism with the Creech St Michael twitter account @creechstmichael.