Most of the tasks we perform for our customers, even for the ones who we don’t provide support for, can go unnoticed and unsaid.
A good example of this is when hosting platforms are given an upgrade. These types of upgrades can be quite disruptive to both websites and emails so they’re normally done outside of normal office hours, even during the night.
This means that some of our staff need to monitor and supervise the process during the night and runs tests to ensure that websites and emails are working correctly again afterwards.
Recently, overnight from Wednesday 31st May to Thursday 1st June, one of our hosting platform providers made such an upgrade.
This platform is used for some of our customer websites and email hosting.
For several months this platform had been showing signs of performance problems and it was decided to transfer all websites and emails onto new hardware.
For several days beforehand our staff were reviewing all the control settings for the domains on that platform.
We worked during the night to ensure that all changes were made and tested as best as possible.
Even though every effort was made to make the upgrade with zero disruption there were a few small issues but these were quickly resolved.
Most customers weren’t even aware that the upgrade had taken place only now they should experience a faster and better-performing website and email system.
If you want to know more about our hosting and support services please contact us using our website or call us.