November was an extremely busy month for us. The following is a list of some of the websites we put live during this month:
One Eighty Light – A Bristol-based company specialising in providing decorative architectural lighting. The website is very clean and modern, with the main focus showcasing the projects they’ve carried out (which are dynamically pulled into a home page slider). The website also features a custom-built popout menu system.
South West Lubricants – A company in the south west who sell lubricants and oils. Their new website was built to showcase their range of products, as well as provide information about the company itself. The website is responsive and uses a colour coded system to categorise the range of products.
Haydon Wick Parish Council – Situated in Wiltshire, Haydon Wick is the latest Parish Council to join our Council Framework. Featuring a colour scheme adapted to fit their logo, the website allows the Parish to post details about their parish as well as display minutes and agendas from each committee’s meetings. It also features a private secure area only accessible by Councillors where sensitive documents can be viewed.