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Website Statistics

Analysing website visitor behavior is an extremely important activity to ensure your website is working the best way for your business.

Website statistical information (e.g. which pages visitors are visiting and perhaps, more importantly, the ones they are not) is of high value for any business wanting to generate leads or adjust the business model.

The Service Somerset Web Services offer

We recommend the Google Analytics product. This delivers the most comprehensive information to tune your website/business practice.

We offer two options:

Option 1 Google Analytics Installation in your website

If your website has not been written to support Google Analytics then this is a pre-requisite.

Option 2 Google Analytics Consultancy

Either on our offices or yours, we train you how to use Google Analytics. We’ll teach you how to set up a Google Analytics account and how to read and interpret the information.

Usually a two hour session is all it takes! You’re then in control – you can then monitor how visitors are interacting with your website.

Optionally, ask us to come back regularly for refresher advice and training, for example we can give feedback on reasons why visitors are not visiting certain pages.

Your website statistics provide you a valuable piece of information regarding visitor interest in pages in your website. This can be used for many useful purposes in development of your online business including:

  • Product marketing
  • Customer browsing habits
  • Areas of interest in your business
  • Locations of customers

For example, it shows how long, on average, visitors spend viewing a particular product. If this time is relatively short compared to other products, you could consider more emphasis on the page, or even product withdrawal.

Some of the features that are included are:

  • Number of visits and number of unique visitors
  • Third-party product Installation
  • Duration of visits and last visits
  • Days of week and peak hour figures
  • Domains/countries of visitors
  • Most viewed, entry and exit pages
  • OS and Browsers used
  • Keyphrases and keywords used to find your site
  • + lots more…

Alternative Jetpack Option

If you are using a WordPress website, Somerset Web Services can install WordPress’ own solution called Jetpack.

Once it is setup, we are able to provide the same training as Google Analytics – how to use it and how to interpret its information.